CORE-UA 109 (Quantitative Reasoning)

This class is designed to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning requirement of the College Core Curriculum.
It should not be taken by students who satisfy any of the exemptions or substitutions.
This class covers basics of programming - students who took college level programming classes or passed AP exams with score of 4 or 5 should not be registering for this class.

Textbook and Online Resources

Python Resources

Python Learning Modules,
Andrew Case, Deena Engel, and Craig Kapp
Highly recommented - used in the Introduction to Computer Programming course.
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist,
Ben Stephenson
The Python Workbook,
Chris Mayfield, Allen Downey,
available for download for NYU students through NYU Libraries: 1) login to NYU Classes using your net ID 2) go to Research tab 3) under NYU Libraries, select Database A-Z 4) search for SpringerLink - this should return a single result, follow the link 5) if asked, select NYU as you institution 6) search for The Python Workbook - click on the link (should be first result) 7) select either PDF or ePub formats to download (you can also download one chapter at a time or view it in your browser)
A Byte of Python,
C. H. Swaroop ,
free online book on programming using Python languege
Python Tutor,

free online Python environment that allows code visualization and execution line-by-line

Mathematics Resources

Math in Society,
David Lippman,
free open source book
Fundamentals of Mathematics,
Denny Burzynski and Wade Ellis,
free open source book
Introductory Statistics,
Douglas Shafer and Zhiyi Zhang,
free open source book
Lynn Marecek and MaryAnne Anthony-Smith,
free open source book
Common Sense Mathematics ,
Ethan Bolker and Maura Mast,
(OPTIONAL) good resource for some of the math topics that we are going to discuss


There are no course prerequisites for this class. But there are some requirements that will make it easier for students to succeed.


Your grade will be based on:

Grades will be determined using the following scale:

    A 	95-100
    A- 	90-95
    B+ 	87-90
    B 	83-87
    B- 	80-83
    C+ 	76-80
    C 	72-76
    D 	65-72
    F 	less than 65

The grade of Incomplete is reserved for students who, for legitimate and documented reason, miss the final exam. The grade of Incomplete will not be given to student who started falling behind in class. Those students should withdraw from the class or switch to Pass/Fail option.


There will be weekly assignments/labs. Each week in the recitation you will be given a project to work one. The recitations will be the time to discuss the assignments and come up with a plan of action for solutions. Usually, you will get a chance to start working on the project during the recitation. You will need to finish it on your own during the next week.

All assignments will count towards your final grade (I do not drop any assignment grades).

No assignments can be accepted after the last day of classes.

Challenging assignment grade: You can challenge your grade on any assignment. To do so, you need to come to see me during the office hours, or schedule an appointment.


There will be two mid-semester exams and a final exam. All exams are cumulative, although they will have larger emphasis on the new material covered since the previous exam.

Missing an exam: There will be no make-up exams. Failure to take an exam counts as a zero grade on that exam. The only exception to this rule is for students who have a legitimate medical or personal emergency (documented). These students need to talk to me as soon as possible (trying to excuse an exam absence a week after it happened will not work).

Academic Integrity Policy

I use MOSS (a system for detecting software plagiarism) to make sure that the submitted assignments are not duplicates of one another. Your code has to be your own.

I follow the department's academic integrity rules.

In short, it is fine to talk to other students about your ideas and your programs, but it is not fine to work together on assignments or copy someone else's assignment. You cannot copy other people's work without giving them a proper credit (and part of your grade).
Any sharing or copying of assignments will be considered cheating. By the rules of the College of Arts and Science, I am required to report any incidents of cheating to the department.
If you have any doubt if something that you are doing qualifies as academic dishonesty, talk to me!

So what is cheating?

What is NOT cheating?


There will be a midterm and a final exam. All exams are cumulative.

Missing an exam: There will be no make-up exams. Failure to take an exam counts as a zero grade on that exam. The only exception to this rule is for students who have a legitimate serious medical or personal emergency (documented). These students need to talk to me as soon as possible (trying to excuse an exam absence three weeks after it happened will not work).

Topics Covered

Mathematics topics covered:

Coding topics covered:

For detailed schedule, see the Daily tab of this page.

Academic Email Etiquette