Course Essentials
Class meetings:
Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30pm - 1:45pm, (in person, Silver 520)
Office hours and tutoring hours:
See Brightspace for the times and Zoom links of office hours and tutoring hours.
Best way to communicate outside of office hours: Ed q&a and discussion forum
- Post all course related questions to the discussion board: content of lectures, labs, projects, ….
- If you have private questions related to your grading, your course progress, or anything that should not be discussed by the entire class, you should post them on Ed as well, but make them visible only to the course staff (any question on Ed can be made private).
- To get started with Ed, follow this Quick Start Guide.
How to get help? Ask questions on discussion forums! Ask questions during lectures! Talk to us (We cannot help, unless we know there is an issue). See us during posted office hours or set up an appointment! Make sure you let us know as soon as you feel lost in the course. Do not wait till you start getting failing grades because it might be too late by then.
Course Description
Algorithmic Problem Solving
CSCI-UA 480 Prerequisite: Computer Systems Organization (CSCI-UA 201), Basic Algorithms (CSCI-UA 310).
Many of the top firms in the technological and financial sectors are using algorithmic problems as interview questions for assessing candidate skill. In this course we take this idea one step further and use algorithmic problem solving as way to hone programming skills. Students will use the material covered in the data structures and algorithms courses and learn new algorithmic techniques to solve challenging problems quickly. Each week will be devoted to a particular type of algorithm. Weekly problem sets will reinforce the lecture, and require students to implement their solutions in Java or C++.
In this course students are expected to do a lot of hands on programming. The implementations are evaluated based on their correctness and speed.
Sample problems:
Important Dates
Midterm Exam (these dates may change if there are any schedule changes):
October 16 (Wednesday), 12:30 - 1:45 (subject to change in case of significant schedule changes)
Final Exam:
(date and time subject to change by CAS, check the dates posted by the department
here )
December 16 (Monday), 2:00 - 3:50pm (subject to change by CAS)